Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cocount facial cleanser and moisturizer

Making a Facial Cleanser With Coconut Milk

A facial cleanser containing coconut milk may help your skin feel smoother and firmer. Combine 1/2 cup vegetable glycerin with 1/2 cup coconut milk and the contents of a vitamin E capsule, or (or 1/4 tsp. vitamin E oil. Mix well and pour into a clean container or jar with a lid. Apply this cleansing milk with a cloth or sponge to your face. Massage it in for a minute or two and rinse with warm water.

Making a Moisturizer With Coconut Milk

Warm 5 oz. coconut milk and 5 oz. coconut water in a double boiler over low heat. Remove it from the heat before it simmers. In the microwave, melt 1 oz. cocoa butter and 1 oz. natural beeswax for about 30 seconds until liquefied. Stir the beeswax mixture, then add 4 oz. extra virgin coconut oil, along with the coconut milk and water. Stir in 1/4 tsp. vitamin E oil and allow the coconut moisturizer to cool before using. Store it in a glass container with a lid.

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